9. 도서관/__다. UNIX

[Solaris_Basic] FTP 에서 Root 접근시 login Failed 날 때 어떻게 하나요?

행복 금융 2008. 6. 18.

The problem was that the server for security reasons wasn't allowing root to connect, but if you want to connect as root:
in /etc/ftpd/ there is a file that need to be modified:
1-) /etc/ftpd/ftpusers ----> you have to delete or comment the line of root
but for security reasons don't do it unless you have a good reason.

1. /etc/ftpd/ftpusers 해당 파일에서 편집기로 root를 지우거나 주서처리하시고 저장하고 나오세요.
2. 이제 FTP에서 root로 접근하시면 login이 잘 됩니다.

* 하지만 보안상 좋지 않으니 잘 판단하세요.


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